The Sandwich Generation Group: a 6-Part Series (Legal Issues and Best Practices for Aging)

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This event is part of a combined series. If you register for this event, you will be automatically registered for all of the following events in the series.
Registration for this event will close on June 13, 2024 @ 6:30pm.
There are 49 seats remaining.

Program Description


The Sandwich Generation Group

A monthly gathering of information and neighbors for those on a caregiving journey.

The legal concerns in Senior Care can often be as impactful as the clinical.  They range from the basic documentation one should have to the Medicaid application process and asset protection.  We’ll explain the basic documentation, what each piece does and does not do and what happens when on doesn’t have these documents or they aren’t properly done.  We’ll also explore the planning that should be done before a crisis and how that planning helps.

Presented by Paul & Susan Doyle of Oasis Senior Advisors.


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