Digital Storage with Gary Webster

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Program Description


Digital Storage

Storage poses problems.
You can’t keep every file, and sometimes you can’t seem to find anything.
The good news is you don’t always need everything. 
But for personal files: emailspictures (1,000’s), and movies (huge), you need a digital storage strategy.

In this class we’ll review storage strategies (many of them free) using:

·       apps storage (some apps provide space for their files)

·       cloud storage 

·       and external drive storage

If you have stuff that need archiving, or you need more space on your devices (and we all do), don’t miss this event.
LEVEL: Beginner – Intermediate

Presenter Gary Webster is a dynamic technology integrator, industrial designer and certified teacher, teaching technology and design in the classroom. With over 15 years' experience, he's taught web design, page layout, podcasting, movie making and photo editing at Southern Connecticut State University.