SCORE: The New Corporate Transparency Act: What You Need to Know and Do - An Update

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Jobs & Small Business

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Program Description


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On or before December 31, 2024, all LLCs and corporations in the U.S. (however small) are required to file “beneficial ownership re-ports” with the U.S. Treasury Dept under the new U.S. Corporate Transparency Act. This program will focus on who needs to file, what information should be disclosed, and what happens if you fail to file on time.

You will learn:

• Why was the Corporate Transparency Act passed?

• Who needs to file, and when must they file?

• Who are the “beneficial owners” of your company?

• Can you file yourself, or should someone help you?

• Is this a “one time” or yearly filing?

• What are the penalties if you fail to file on time? 

Prior to the workshop, give thought to: 

Make a list of all people whom you would describe as either an owner of your company, or someone who “substantially controls” your company even if they don’t own shares in your LLC or corporation.

Presenter: Cliff Ennico

CLIFF ENNICO (, a nationally recognized authority on small business legal and tax issues, is best known as the former host of MONEYHUNT, the PBS television series for entrepreneurs. He is the author of 16 books, including “The Crowdfunding Handbook: Raise Money for Your Small Business or Startup with Equity Funding Portals”, and judges business plan and elevator pitch competitions nationwide. An attorney and small business consultant based in Fairfield, CT, he has launched thousands of businesses in his 43-year career.