CT Blood Center Drive

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Program Type:


Age Group:


Program Description


The Connecticut Blood Center is partnering with Fairfield Public Library to save lives!  Adults 17+ can make an appointment to donate blood and come to the Memorial Room at the Main Library to donate.  Appointments are preferred and will be scheduled between 9:00am and 2:00pm; walk-ins will be taken if space permits. 

Please remember to eat and drink.

Questions?  Call CT Blood Center at 800-283-8385.

Register: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fdonate.ribc.org%2fdonor%2fschedules%2fdrive_schedule%2f79430&c=E,1,IukNIQSYBqVahT4ed3fVsh14gspwXcBiYZ8J30alUM0GJk_FauWBPLya04c3YabVg8lQignIPuO4lTHkHDlWIDeZ8RWEsN5JGcE7oyVAi-ELG9wD&typo=1